Sunday, October 30, 2011


My God!!!! I have been so stressed out this past week because I’ve had so much to do. This week was supposed to be a great week because it was homecoming week. Back in high school whenever a student hears the word homecoming it is automatically turned into a synonym of the word break. I'm used to just chilling during homecoming week and not doing anything but participating school activities and going to pep rallies, but that is another big difference from high school to college. I had a lot of thinking to do this week because I noticed that all of my classes were starting to pick on the work loads and test, so I needed more time to study and do work. Since quitting football was not an option, I came up with the idea of dropping the class that I felt that I could get back in next semester and I could easily pass. All my classes are core classes or classes that are mandatory for my major except for one, and that was my early North American History class. I’ve been doing well in that class the whole year, but I really needed a break. I talked to my professor and she understood exactly where I was coming from being a student athlete, trying to focus on school and my sport at the same time. She said that she thought I was getting a lot out of the class and I felt I was to but I just had make an opening for my other studies. After making the decision to drop that class I called my dad and talked to him about it and he told me to make sure that it was the best decision for me, and I really did. Last week was just a busy week for me because I had essays and homework due for all of my classes and I just felt like I couldn't do it, but I just thought about what my grandma would tell me when I felt like things were impossible, she would tell me to pray and ask God for his strength, because through him all things are possible and that what I did. After having the essays turned in I feel more of a college student because I actually did them and they were done very well because I stayed up doing them and I put my heart into them so I could get the best grade that I could possibly get.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


This week has been like no other week during this year. I have been faced with something that really tampered with me emotionally. I have been thinking about home a lot lately, because not only do I miss it but I miss my family and friends and all the good times that I used have in Houston. Two weeks ago my grandma was put in to a rehabilitation home in order for her to do rehab since she had got her toe removed a week or two prior to entering the rehabilitation home. She was doing pretty good at least that’s what I thought because I wasn’t getting any bad news about her I was only hearing that she was getting better. At the beginning of this week I was feeling pretty good because I had all my work turned in and everything just seemed to be going so perfect for me. When Wednesday came I was getting ready to cap off an awesome week, until my dad called me and told me that the rehab center had took my grandma to the hospital because they thought she had an infection in the foot that she had got the toe removed on. My heart had dropped when I got that news, but I knew she would be fine because it was only an infection. The next day before I was getting ready to go to my only class my dad sent me a text saying call me, I knew something was wrong because at that time my dad is usually hard at work, well when I called he told me that my grandma was in the hospital, and the doctors were giving up on here because they thought that the infection had spreader all over her body and at that point they couldn’t do anything about it. I had a mental break down after that I cried for nearly 3 hours straight because I thought I was losing the most important women in my life, my grandma. My dad called me later on that day and told me that the doctors did blood work on her and found that the infection was only in her foot so they would have to take away her foot, that was the best news I ever heard in my life. After having this situation happen I realized that is the bad part about going away for college is when your family needs you, you can’t really help right then and there because you are so far away.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Two weeks ago I found out that in college there is this thing called mid- semester break. It is when the college gives you a few days off after you take your mid-terms or after the midpoint of a semester. After finding out that we had such a break I became very excited about the trip that I was going to be taking home because we didn’t have school. I became even more excited because I knew that, that would make two weeks in a row that I would be able to go home, because I went home last week. After yelling and running around campus screaming imp going home and calling home and telling my family that I will be home two weekends in a row my team mate quickly delivered some horrible news to me. He told me that I wouldn’t be able to go home because we had to stay at school during the few days that the rest of the school had off, because we had to stay because we had a football game that same weekend, so we would have to stay for practice. After hearing that my whole world came crashing down on me, I felt so sad and depressed. I felt like a kid that was promised a new action figure by his parents then not being able to get it. Needless to say I went home for the one week and enjoyed my family and friends, but wishing the whole time I was down that I could have had more time or could have come back the next weekend. The following week at school at had to listen to everybody keep talking about how they miss home and how they couldn’t wait to go home that Tuesday or Wednesday. It was like music to my ears hearing all of that (sarcasm). When the day came for everybody to leave I felt so bad because I knew my family really wanted to see me, but because football was in my way I couldn’t do that. I really became depressed when I noticed that the school became a deserted mini town with tumble weeds rolling around. There was nobody here but a hand full of students and the players that were playing on Saturday in the football game. I really like how they call it a mid-semester break because that almost explains what happened to me, I almost broke mentally. I just hope next year the break that the "other students" get don’t affect me as much.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


This week has been one crazy week. I have seen and felt different things emotionally physically and mentally. To start off the week I had my first draft of my essay due for my English comp class on Monday, that I didn’t really just work my hardest on and I know that I could have done so much better on. When I got the revised copy back from my professor she saw that I didn’t give my all on it and basically told me to revise the whole thing. I was kind of angry at first until I actually read the comments she was making and I actually took time out to read my essay, and noticed that it was horrible. So the next day I worked on that essay until 5:30 in the morning, and almost died in class the next day from being so tired. I was mentally and physically exhausted just from staying up that late. But after my professor read it my time was put to great use, because I was on the right track finally. The essay is due on Wednesday and I am so prepared to turn it in because I have been working on it and taking extra steps to make it the best that it could possibly be. I've been having so many distractions this week that could keep me from doing my work to my best of ability and one thing that actually was getting to me was time. I had too much time on my hands this week because we didn’t have a game this week so I would get out of practice early and I would just come to my room and have so much time to procrastinate and that’s exactly what I did until late in the night. I think my procrastination actually helped me on my math mid-term on Friday though. There is a study that proves that if you go to sleep right after studying then you will get the info better than just staying up or studying something else after. I went in my math class kind of afraid because I didn’t know what to expect because this was my first college mid-term but after getting the test and looking through it I knew that I could do really good if I could just remember what I studied and I actually did. I have so many people that believe in me and after applying myself to things I noticed that anything is possible and imp starting to believe in myself more.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


College has become something that I am becoming accustomed to. I have noticed that vie become more of a college student because I’m not just doing work I’m actually studying and learning why I’m doing such things that I’m doing. I’m starting to realize that things that are given to you to take home and bring back are great ways to better yourself in your field of study or even better with the liberal arts education that we are getting I’m learning in other fields. Vie been taking my professors words that they have been giving me and been using them in other areas of my everyday life. All though I am ready to go home and I miss home so much I’m starting to get settled in and realize that this is my home for the next four years so there is no reason to keep thinking about Houston as much as I do now. This past week has been a great week for me in football because we got the win that we worked so hard for during this week of practice. We beat Sul Ross State University forty-three to twenty-six, in a very good match up. It was a great game not only because we won, but because I got to explore a new part of Texas that I have never seen. We were in Alpine, Texas, in West Texas. We were deep in the mountains; I had never seen a mountain before this weekend. We stayed in the Ramada Hotel and the back drop of the hotel was so beautiful because we were surrounded by mountains. Every mountain we passed up I tried to picture myself climbing them and just lifting my hands up and yelling, "KING KONG DON'T GOT NOTHING ON ME!!!!” I see a lot and learned a lot from this weekend and I think my life has been changed just because of the new environment I was in. Before typing up this blog I was doing homework for other classes and I couldn't stop thinking about what I could blog about, and for some reason current events kept popping up in my head, but then I remembered with me having class everyday I couldn’t watch the news as much but one thing that I have been paying attention to are the gas prices and I know for sure we have a lot of happy drivers here in Seguin because the gas prices are going down every day.